Tips On Strong Bones And Muscles

Bones And Muscles

The bone is a living and growing tissue that helps the body to move. It protects the heart, brain among other organs from injury. Muscles help the body lift things, move, breathe and also pump blood. The heart is the most important muscle in your body. They also help in protein metabolism. The role of taking care of your bones while you are younger can never be overemphasized. This is because new bones are deposited faster than old ones and are discarded when one is younger. As you age, mostly from the age of thirty years, bone is discarded faster than it is deposited. Diseases like osteoporosis result due to bone deposits not able to keep up with a bone withdrawal.

How to have Healthy Bones and Muscles

· Take a Bone Mineral Density test (BMD) – Since the symptoms of osteoporosis take a long time to show a BDM test helps to show how strong your bones are.

· Drinking Milk – Milk contains plenty of calcium and vitamin D which helps in strengthening muscles and building and repair of bones.

· Exposing your body to the sun – This will enable your body to make vitamin D which helps to absorb calcium.

· Avoid drinking and smoking – Smoking accelerates bone loss. Heavily drinking reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

· Eating meat sparingly – Eating red meat in large amounts sap calcium and phosphorous from the bones.

· Hereditable factors – Genes affect the ability of the body to use calcium and vitamin D. They also affect the bone size and mass. Observing a family background can help you go for screening and medication in time.

· Taking Sodium sparingly – Found in salt and processed foods, sodium causes calcium to get excreted in the urine.

· Exercises – Doing physical activities that exert pressure on your body will strengthen your bones by stimulating the production of bone building cells. These exercises include kickboxing, tennis, and basketball.

· Protecting the body from falling – If you are suffering from osteoporosis falling can cause breakage of your bones.

Foods Strengthening Bones and Muscles

· Dairy Foods – Dairy foods such as cheese, yoghurt and milk are great sources of calcium. Calcium helps to in developing bones that are healthy when one is young. When you age calcium will ensure your bones are strong. This will help prevent diseases osteoporosis which reduces bone mass making bones fragile and brittle.

· Eggs- Has protein which builds muscles.

· Olive Oil – It contains fats that are monounsaturated that prevents muscles form breaking.

· Fatty Fish- It has vitamin D which helps absorb calcium making bones and muscles strong.

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