Cosmetic Treatments You Didn’t Know Existed

When it comes to cosmetic treatments, there are many you may be aware of, either through the media or through personal research, perhaps. For example, you may be aware of breast enlargements, bum lifts, or liposuction. But as the demand to change more and more parts of our bodies grows, there begin to be multiple new cosmetic treatments available on the market. This is amazing news, as there may be a body part you have always wanted to alter, but didn’t think you could. Well, the likelihood is that there’s now a treatment out there for you! For example, there are now many different types of dermal fillers – even ones that can give you the look of a traditional ‘nose job’ (rhinoplasty), without the invasive surgery! Read on to find out about more cosmetic treatments you had no idea existed.

Botox In Areas Other Than The Face

You may be aware of botox treatments – which relax muscles in the face, leading to a more youthful look and a reduction in wrinkles. However, do you know botox can actually be used in other areas of the body to treat problems? For example, Botox can be used in the armpits or other areas that produce sweat in order to relax the muscles and tackle the problem. You can actually use Botox treatments in many inventive ways. This is great to solve many problems, as it is a fairly non invasive treatment, without much aftercare or risk associated.

Otoplasty For Your Ears

Do you know what an otoplasty treatment is? Us neither until recently! But it does make total sense. Many people are self conscious of their ears, and wish they could change their shape and size. An otoplasty is a small procedure done under general anaesthetic that allows you to tailor how close your ears are to your head. It’s really an amazing option for those who may be self conscious of their ears and try to cover them with their hair, or with headgear. This procedure is minimally invasive, and doesn’t require much aftercare – so is great for those with a busy lifestyle, who don’t have time for ‘downtime’!

CoolSculpting For Stubborn Fat

CoolSculpting can be an amazing way to remove stubborn areas of fat in problem areas, and reduce your waistline! Many people struggle with pouches of fat that – despite healthy eating and exercise – they can’t get rid of. This is because fat cells build up in certain areas and swell, causing the pouches of fat that you dislike. In many cases, this is just a small amount of fat that ‘won’t budge’, and liposuction or more drastic measures are not entirely necessary. however, there is a way of getting rid of it: CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is the process of using extreme cold to kill fat cells and to tone certain areas of the body, such as under the chin, the arms, the abdomen or the buttocks. It’s a really amazing non invasive way of getting the body you’ve always dreamed of!

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