The Techniques Involved In SEO

By now, you may have read several articles about SEO and SEO packages that are provided by different search engine optimization service providing firms. However, only a few people are aware about the fact that there are certain techniques adopted by these SEO services providing firms. These techniques help them to distinguish different needs of the organizations or their clients as every company comes up with its own need and requirements. In order to apply a particular SEO technique, it is essential for the SEO service firm to analyze, understand and evaluate about the requirements of the organization, looking forward to have its services.

Different techniques in search engine optimization:

There are two different techniques in this concept, which are:

White Hate Search Engine Optimization – Here, the results produced with the help of SEO last for longer durations. Such technique used by the SEO firms help them in not being ‘caught’ by their manipulated contents that let them flood their articles with keywords, to have the keyword density increased on the website, in order to pop up on the search engines again and again and be ahead of the other websites that fall into the same category or niche. There are certain SEO services providing firms that include this technique in their SEO packages, whereas there are others that use the black hat concept.

Black Hate Search Engine Optimization – Here, the SEO service providing firm knows that the sites may eventually get banned by the search engines, either on temporary or permanent basis, once the search engines get to know about their manipulations. You may wonder why organizations would choose this sort of technique to have their items pushed. This is because firms that use such techniques provide their services at a cheaper rate, as they know their services won’t last for long. Moreover, the organizations earn more than the investments made in the short duration itself. Generally, organizations that are confident about their sales and products and services choose this technique on their own.

SEO technique is something that follows all the guidelines of the search engines. However, SEO service providing firms manipulate the content and increase the strength of certain words so that they are able to ‘fool’ the search engines and be ahead of the other links. This is not unethical as the concept is widely known and accepted in the world of internet. It is a fair game to have the name of a particular website increased in the market of search engines.

Which technique is mostly used by organizations?

You may wonder which technique is popularly used by various organizations and SEO firms and the answer is the White Hat technique. Organizations that push their websites with the help of Black Hat technique are even penalized at times, once the search engines discover about their unethical practices of pushing the links into the search engines with the help of certain manipulations. On the other hand, White Hat technique, as the name suggests, is pretty transparent and clear in the picture and hence most of the organizations choose this method, rather than going for the unethical one.

If an organization is caught using Black Hat techniques to fool search engines, it needs to send apology documents, along with the guarantee of fixing the offending pages, unless they have legal reasons and supports to do so, as a part of internet democracy. At times, huge names like Google charge a certain amount of penalties to the organizations that use the technique of Black Hat to promote their website links and have a larger traffic on the page. It is quicker than White Hat technique, when it comes to spreading the word, but it is stated as an offence.

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