Everything You Should Need to Know About Merino Wool Shawl

herringbone wool blankets in Adelaide

Wool is one of the world’s leading natural fibres used in several industries, and clothing is one of them. But merino wool from the merino sheep takes everything to the next level. It has a soft texture and regulates the temperature to keep you warm when you need it. Merino shawls are traditionally woven to appear simple with a geometric pattern. Some of these shawls have a herringbone pattern, while others are in twill. This leaves them soft, warm and easy to care for, with enough durability to last several wash cycles. To learn more about these shawls, here is a comprehensive guide.

How Is A Merino Shawl Made?

Merino wool is the most sought-after wool in the market because of its affordability, warmth and softness. That’s why it is the best choice for making shawls. However, if you are thrilled with this amazing merino wool shawl and want to try making one for yourself, you will need to know a little about the knitting process.

  • First, select the best type of merino wool to use. This is because this wool comes in different grades, so you must choose one best suited for your needs.
  • Prepare the wool for spinning. This is where you must wash, card and dye to the desired colour.
  • Begin the spinning process. You can do this using a spinning wheel or by hand. It would be best to start with small amounts to get used to the process.
  • Once you have enough yarn, it’s time to start crocheting or knitting the shawl. Once you finish, wash it in cold water to prevent it from shrinking.

What Makes Merino Wool Shawl The Best?

Merino shawl is one thing you wouldn’t want to miss in your wardrobe. It helps keep moisture off your body to keep you dry yet doesn’t retain the sweat odour. This is because it has antibacterial properties.

It’s Comfortable

All merino clothes, not limited to the shawls, are the most comfortable clothing you can get around. This is because merino wool is pretty soft and fine. It’s also extremely flexible, making it the best for making herringbone wool blankets in Adelaide.

Regulates Temperature

Merino wool is excellent when it comes to temperature regulation. What it does is when it’s cold outside, it helps you stay warm, and if it’s hot, it helps you stay cool. Due to its temperature regulation ability, it’s the perfect material for making herringbone wool blankets in Adelaide. In addition, it’s pretty breathable to effectively get rid of moisture on the body, leaving you dry and comfortable.

It’s Flexible And Can Adapt Your Figure

Merino shawls can stretch easily, but the best part is that it always returns to their original shape. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about your shawl losing shape and having uneven edges after several washers or uses. Its elasticity and ability to hug your body make it easy to enjoy its benefits as you get the most out of your shawl.

Doesn’t Smell After Use

Merino wool is quite absorbent; using your shawl and sweat will absorb the moisture to leave you dry. However, you don’t have to worry about your shawl smelling afterwards. This is because Merino wool shawls have antibacterial properties making them the best choice for active movements.

Now that you know more about merino shawls, it’s time to get one and enjoy this amazing fabric. Caring for merino shawls is easy; it’s machine washable, and you can also wash them by hand. In addition, it dries quickly and doesn’t lose shape.

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