Curtains 101

There’s something very comforting about a nice pair of curtains. Quality curtains can take a room under their wing, can introduce a splash of colour and keep the cold air out. For some, the idea of buying curtains is a little daunting, but it really needn’t be, and matching the perfect pair of curtains to your room is actually quite easy.

There are various kinds of curtains. Of course there are blinds (which aren’t really curtains) and then there are eyelet curtains. With an eyelet curtain, for example, the curtain is attached to a rail using eyelets, this makes them easy to install and easy to draw across the window.

A full curtain will stretch all the way down to the floor. There are several advantages to this, and a full curtain has a very effective insulating quality. Nets, by contrast, have minimal insulating effect, but are chosen for their aesthetic qualities, and are great for allowing light to permeate a room.

One of the main reasons that people opt for a full curtain is that they can really affect the colour-way of a room. In modern rooms there might be sparse furniture, and so relatively little opportunity to add a colour dimension. A curtain can offer this, and create a great effect through the addition of colour.

Lots of homeowners choose ready made curtains. As you might expect, these are curtains that are ready to be used “straight out of the box” as it where, and pre set-up to fit comfortably on your windows.

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