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Ways to Move More in Everyday Life

ways to move more in every day life

Below are 5 simple strategies to move more into your daily routine.

Take the stairs

I know. It’s been said a million times, and it’s so minor. It’s still one of the best pieces of advice for a reason. Stairs are preferable to elevators because they increase your heart rate, improve your sense of balance, and build muscle in your legs.

In addition to taking the stairs two at a time, you may also strengthen your calves by doing heel lifts off the edge of a step.

Your heart and lungs will appreciate you for not taking the elevator.

Have more walking meetings

It is recommended to take a stroll during at least one call each day if you work from home or have switched to virtual conference calls.

Put your headphones in, put your phone in your pocket, and go for a stroll if you don’t have to be staring at a screen looking at spreadsheets. It’s a fantastic approach to breaking out of your monotony.

Take one-on-one meetings with coworkers on the road if you have an office job. Taking a stroll as a group is a great way to strengthen bonds and maybe even generate new, creative ideas. Numerous studies have shown that going for a walk is a great way to improve your mental clarity and inspiration.

Lunge it up

Indeed, I sometimes draw eyebrows when I do this, but I’m a working gal whose time is valuable.

If you want to get in shape while grocery shopping, consider making lunges in the aisles. Using the cart as a balance point, you may perform anywhere from 10 to 20 lunges in a single trip through the grocery store, depending on the length of the aisles. Just do it; you’ll have a good time.

Use a stability ball as a seat

Use a stability ball in place of a traditional chair. While sitting on the ball, you can perform gentle mobility stretches for your neck, pelvis, and spine, alleviating back discomfort and improving posture.

Try a hula hoop motion to activate your core stabilizers while tucking and untucking your pelvis.

You can also conduct workouts on the ball while seated at your desk, such as seated marches, to target your abs.

Leave a considerable distance between your vehicle and the building

While we should always be wary of our surroundings and take precautions as necessary, it may be wise to park further away from the entrance of your destination if you are in a well-lit, secure neighborhood. Increasing your daily step count is as easy as including short bursts of walking throughout the day.What this means, in essence,

With any luck, the following suggestions will encourage you to take a few more steps throughout the day.

I understand how challenging it may be to stick to a healthy habit. When you start working out, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but giving a couple of these a try will make a big difference.

Start with baby steps like adding in some lunges here and there, holding walking meetings once a week, or taking the stairs a couple of times, and before you know it, you’ll be moving and grooving a lot more than you were before.

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